Kind of a weird post title for an internet marketing blog, isn’t it? So I turned a lemon into [potentially] lemonade. I’ve been working with…
Author: Jeffery
Google hints that sites not using structured markup could see their rankings fall
I was shown this article by Wordtracker today, and if you aren’t using structured markup already, you really need to start. Now if you’re not the…
Recommended Book: Business Dating: Applying Relationship Rules in Business For Ultimate Success
If you are not networking now, this is the book for you. If you are networking now, this book can help you do it better and more effectively.
Is Anyone Interested in Being Part of a Case Study?
Is Anyone Interested in Being Part of a Case Study? I’m looking for people.
Review: Build My List
You may or may not have seen the multitude of emails regarding Jimmy Kim’s free ebook on email list building and his Build My List program. I have, I read the ebook and I’ve bought the program and I have gone through it.
Do as I Say, Not as I Do
This is one of those few times when it’s better to do what your told rather than follow the example that’s being shown.
Are You Pre-Qualifying or are you Pre-Judging Your Clients?
Many years ago I mistakenly applied for a job as a car salesman and the dealership mistakenly hired me. It was a horrible match, no…
Can Your Business Survive Without You?
If you’re business is properly set up, it will continue to function, to bring in sales, bring in leads, follow up with clients, etc. when you’re gone for a few days.
How to Become a Networking Rockstar
Networking and following up are two of the most vital, yet poorly executed, skills that all of us need. Ely Delaney is an expert at it.
Email Marketing Plan Overview
Interested in an email marketing plan but not quite sure what all is involved? This is a “big picture” overview for non-techies.