Customer Testimonials

Listen To What Our Customers Have To Say:

I’ve been working with Jeffery for the last few months having him install security packages on our websites. He’s been amazing. I give him the info he needs and he runs with it. He’s saved a ton of hours of me messing with it myself and I can’t even count the number of hours I know it will save over recovering if anything got hacked.
After my first couple of conversation with him I can say he knows WordPress very well.

As someone in the web business for over 19 years, I can see right through the fakes and Jeffery is NOT a fake. He knows his stuff, is great about researching anything needed to get the best results AND is great at taking action to suggesting things I might not have thought of.

Ely Delaney
Co-Founder of Your Marketing University

Jeff designed my website and put up with my many changes and did a lot of research on his own to go above and beyond what was expected. I highly recommend him.

Michelle Casady
Casady Services (Bookkeeping and Accounting)

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to speak to the qualities and integrity of Jeffrey Wood. In my 30 plus years in small business, I have never had the pleasure of collaborating with someone with this level of integrity. Jeff brings so much to table with his vast knowledge of internet marketing & marketing in general, impeccable organizational skills, comprehension of CMS’s and ability to do just about anything put in front of him. And the best part of all of this is that Jeff is a great guy, that’s beyond reproach and has garnered my full trust.

I began working with Jeff in June of 2014 when I reached out to find a qualified WordPress associate. We have collaborated on a multitude of projects through this time. I am confident in handing the reins off to Jeff on any task presented as well as having him take the project on from inception.

If I had more colleagues and partners like Jeff my business life would be exponentially improved.

Michael Payne
Payne Media Marketing, LLC